Performing a public records search with SpyFly could ultimately save you a whole world of trouble. Literally, millions of scams are happening each day to unsuspecting people just like you. Most times simply being in the know about a person or a company can make a huge difference when it comes to protecting yourself from criminals and scam artists. Student loan scams are on the rise and if you have an active student loan out, you could be targeted.
Don’t Become a Victim
Sometimes people get into trouble and end up over their heads with student loans. Criminals tend to take advantage of situations like this because stress can make people vulnerable to good-sounding solutions. Scammers often put together phony plans that can entice a person who is down on luck to jump on an opportunity that hypothetically would pull finances out of the slump they are in and make everything good again.
A scam artist can call on the phone, or send an email that sounds like it has the perfect solution for your financial problems. They paint an amazing picture where you get full relief from all the student loans that you have outstanding and even get some money back to put into your pocket when it is all done. Once they get your attention they tell you they need money upfront to get things started. They will ask you for a credit card number and charge the card for all they can get out of it.
Another thing student loan scammers do is convince you that you need their services in order to fix your problem. Student loan relief companies thrive by contacting students and getting them to sign up for their services. They want your personal information, including your social security number, and a lot of time and money. They will also go as far as trying to get control over your account so they can make decisions for you. This is all a ploy to siphon money into their bank accounts. They do not care about your debt, all they really want is to make a profit from your loss.