Monday, 10 February 2020

Tinder: Dating App or Pizza Delivery Service?

In Chicago, a woman was using the popular Tinder dating app to get some of her favorite meals delivered to her doorstep. Why go out and spend your own money if you can get others to order, deliver, and pay for your food without having to lift a finger? Well…technically, she did have to swipe.
They call it the Tinder Games. Women use the dating app with the intention of having men purchase them their favorite foods.
“Kate was on a mission for pizza, not love, so rather than filtering through matches based on their photos, she would ‘swipe right’ on every profile.”

Wednesday, 5 February 2020

Does Your Valentine’s Day Compare To These Shocking Dating Stories?


Ahhh… Valentine’s day. A day typically filled with colorful cards, candy, all types of flowers, last minute shopping for your special someone and blissful moments of romance.
Whether you spent the holiday with loved ones, a first date, or practicing self-love, we hope you had a wonderful Valentine’s day.
Now that the national day of love is behind us, let’s bring you back to the harsh and extraordinary realities of today’s dating world.

Friday, 31 January 2020

The Most Popular Online Dating Scams That’ll Leave You Heartbroken

Is it possible to find your soulmate somewhere in the online world? Maybe, maybe not. What you’ll more than likely run into —while swiping and sifting through dozens of online dating profiles—are scams, which range from small and petty to downright theft. Here are some of the most common online dating scams and what you can do to avoid them.


Like ‘traditional’ or face-to-face dating, singles online try to make themselves as impressionable as possible. But online dating has the advantage as people are able to hide behind a screen, making room for a lot more ‘flexibility’. This flexibility gives birth to Catfishing, which is to lure (someone) into a relationship by means of a fictional online persona. For example, someone has a fake picture, either overly edited to look ‘better’ or completely not of them, as their profile pic. Such an unpleasant surprise can often feel like a scam, and it undoubtedly becomes one when these victims get their money drained from their accounts. As if that wasn’t enough, these poor souls not only lose their money but also get their heart broken! If you’re worried about them looking different in person compared to their online profile, ask for a recent photo.
Note: that “recent” picture they send may not be so recent; it may not even be a picture of them at all. At this point, it’s best to meet in person, but brace yourself, hope for the best and expect the worst.

Thursday, 23 January 2020

4 Ways a Background Check Can Get You Out of Trouble

Access to public records has become much more simple thanks to SpyFly. Now you can be your own personal “spy” and perform background checks. SpyFly is a website that aggregates billions of public records into a single interface to guarantee the most recent, up-to-date information available. It is important to protect yourself and your family from the potential harms that are out there.

Read More:

Tuesday, 14 January 2020

Why Employers Use Social Media to Screen Potential Workers

About 77 percent of employers took to social media during their hiring process, reports a 2013 survey conducted by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM).
Most employers that use social media for screening hiring candidates usually do so after conducting a job interview- but before extending a job offer. But, should they even be doing so? This is a controversial question but a fair one; maybe one that you can answer yourself after looking into why employers snoop into our online accounts in the first place.

Thursday, 9 January 2020

How Copied Social Media Profiles Gave Birth To A New Form of Identity Theft

Devumi, a social media marketing company, has been exposed as a prominent figure in the “fake followers” scandal. As a result, over a million Twitter accounts have vanished, costing well-known users their once big online audience. But don’t let that fool you, social media platforms have yet to get to the bottom of this.
So people are losing followers… big whoop! The real victims here are the people whose personal information has been stolen.
Celebrities, athletes, pundits, and politicians have millions of fake followers.
With promises like, “Devumi boosts your social media campaigns to success”, Devumi has over 200,000 customers. But, the shady company could be partly responsible for a new form of fraud referred to as ‘social media identity theft‘.
The New York Times Describes Devumi’s business practices as “a vast trade in fake followers” that partake in “fraudulent engagement”. In fact, law officials are investigating websites like Devumi that make a profit off of selling automated bot-generated accounts on Twitter and other sites, taking the form of slightly modified, copied profiles.